Miami Skyline

Colada & Code

Hello World

by: Raul Martinez

Hello world! My name is Raul. A little bit about me...

I have been a full-time Front-End Web Developer since February 5, 2018.

I never thought I could ever have what it takes to be a web developer. When I was in school at the University of West Florida, I had an admiration for Computer Science, but I was always intimidated. I thought I had to be a some kind of math genius to be able to get into the field.

So, I majored in Marketing with a focus on E-Commerce Marketing. After graduation in 2012, I struggled finding employment with my degree. But, I was able to land a job in sales. Sales was a great experience, that taught me many lessons such as:

  • Overcoming fear of rejection.
  • Overcoming fear of failure.
  • Working both indepently and as part of a team.
  • Interpersonal communication.
  • Discipline & Determination.
  • Consulting

While I learned many great lessons, and was able to make a good living. At the end of the day I wasn"t passionate about my career, and was always looking for a change.

So, after 5 years I made a choice to follow something that I was passionate about. I had been researching coding bootcamps for about a year and in September of 2017 I took a leap of faith and enrolled in Wyncode.

I have not looked back since and I am estatic every day to wake up and do something that I am extremely passionate about.